Vos droits Jurisprudences


SELECT categories.* FROM (SELECT DISTINCT CAST(SUBSTRING(members.anchor, 10) AS UNSIGNED) AS target FROM yacs_members AS members WHERE (members.member LIKE 'section:359') AND (members.anchor LIKE 'category:%')) AS ids, yacs_categories AS categories WHERE (categories.id = ids.target) AND (categories.active='Y') AND ((categories.expiry_date is NULL) OR (categories.expiry_date <= '0000-00-00 00:00:00') OR (categories.expiry_date > '2024-12-22 13:04:00')) ORDER BY rank, title, edit_date DESC LIMIT 0,40
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ', title, edit_date DESC LIMIT 0,40' at line 1

SELECT articles.* FROM yacs_articles AS articles WHERE (articles.anchor LIKE 'section:359') AND ((articles.active='Y') AND NOT ((articles.publish_date is NULL) OR (articles.publish_date <= '0000-00-00')) AND (articles.publish_date < '2024-12-22 13:04:00') AND ((articles.expiry_date is NULL) OR (articles.expiry_date <= '0000-00-00 00:00:00') OR (articles.expiry_date > '2024-12-22 13:04:00'))) ORDER BY rank, title LIMIT 0,50
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ', title LIMIT 0,50' at line 1

multiples appellations plus ou moins synonymes pour chacun des critères d’imputabilité


État antérieur ? 

Intégrité physique et psychique, antécédents médicaux, fragilité

Accident ?

Réalité et intensité du traumatisme

Blessures initiales ?

Nature et évolution habituellement attendue

Blessure ou maladie
faisant l'objet du litige

(Histoire naturelle) 

-   Mécanisme(s) de production ?

-   Délai d’apparition habituel des signes et symptômes ?

-   Évolution attendue ? (suivi médical, continuité, pronostic, complications)

Nouvel événement ?

-   Soit indépendant des blessures initiales,

-   Soit survenant en raison de risques inhérents aux blessures initiales