tableau indemnité personne à charge
provide at least one parameter for fusion overlay
SELECT categories.* FROM (SELECT DISTINCT CAST(SUBSTRING(members.anchor, 10) AS UNSIGNED) AS target FROM yacs_members AS members WHERE (members.member LIKE 'article:3330') AND (members.anchor LIKE 'category:%')) AS ids, yacs_categories AS categories WHERE ( = AND ('Y') AND ((categories.expiry_date is NULL) OR (categories.expiry_date <= '0000-00-00 00:00:00') OR (categories.expiry_date > '2025-01-01 06:57:11')) ORDER BY rank, title, edit_date DESC LIMIT 0,40
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ', title, edit_date DESC LIMIT 0,40' at line 1
SELECT sections.* FROM yacs_sections AS sections WHERE (sections.anchor='' OR sections.anchor IS NULL) AND ('Y') AND (sections.index_map = 'Y') AND ((sections.activation_date is NULL) OR (sections.activation_date <= '2025-01-01 06:57:11')) AND ((sections.expiry_date is NULL) OR (sections.expiry_date <= '0000-00-00 00:00:00') OR (sections.expiry_date > '2025-01-01 06:57:11')) ORDER BY rank, title, edit_date DESC LIMIT 0,8
1064: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near ', title, edit_date DESC LIMIT 0,8' at line 1
Indemnité forfaitaire à la personne à charge d'une victime décédée
Indemnité forfaitaire à la personne à charge d'une victime décédée
(Art 66)
Âge de ta personne à charge (ans) | Montant de l'indemnité ($) | |
2009 | 2010 | |
Moins de i | 53 686 $ | 53 901 $ |
1 | 52 152 $ | 52 361 $ |
2 | 50619$ | 50821$ |
3 | 49084$ | 49 280 $ |
4 | 47 549 $ | 47 739 $ |
5 | 46016$ | 46 200 $ |
6 | 44484$ | 44 662 $ |
7 | 42 948 $ | 43 120 $ |
8 | 41415$ | 41581$ |
9 | 39 884 $ | 40044$ |
10 | 38 347 $ | 38 500 $ |
11 | 36815$ | 36962$ |
12 | 35 278 $ | 35419$ |
13 | 33 746 $ | 33 881 $ |
14 | 32212$ | 32341$ |
15 | 30 679 $ | 30 802 $ |
16 et plus | 29 141 $ | 29 258 $ |